JAMES 1: 12 – 18
A.MANDATE (Vision):
LOVE GOD (Yak 1:12d)
GOD called the FIRST BORN to TAKE CARE of His Flock (John 21:15-16)
B.MOTIVE (Mission):
Remaining Faithful under Trials (James 1:12a).
Endurance carries you all the way without failing (James 1:4)
A Qualified FIRST BORN has the following CAPACITIES:
1. ROLE: As CASTLE or FORTRESS against:
a TEMPTATION : Evil Desire produces Temptation (James 1:13)
b DECEPTION : Temptation brings Deception (James 1:16)
c SIN : Temptation conceives and gives birth to Sin (James 1:15a)
d DEATH : Full-grown Sin gives birth to Death (James 1:15b)
2. UNDERSTANDING: A First Born has well conception that:
a Temptation does not come from God (James 1:13a)
b Evil can not tempt God (James 1:13b)
c God himself temps no one (James 1:13c)
3. DECLARATION: A First Born declares that:
a Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; It comes down from God (James 1:17a)
b God brought us into being by his own will through the word of truth (James 1:18a)
c God is the creator of heavenly lights who does not change or cause darkness by turning (James 1:17b-17c)
A First Born can not be deceived (James 1:16) because he can do the following actions:
a.He is happy and remains faithful under trials because (James 1:12a) he knows the following Words of God that:
i. Happiness makes for a long life Sirach 30:22a
ii.Happiness makes life worth living. Sirach 30:22b
iii.Enjoy yourself and be happy, don’t worry all the time. Sirach 30:23a
iv. Worry never did any body any good, and it has destroyed many people. Sirach 30:23b
v. You will receive as your reward the life that God has promised to those who love Him (James 1:12c)
vi.Trials result in ability to endure (James 1:3)
vii.Endurance carries you all the way without failing (James 1:4)
b.Fill your mind with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable. (Philippians 4:8)
c.He fills his mind with those things that are good and that deserve praise (Philippians 4:8a) because he knows that:
a) What he thinks what he is (Proverb 23:7b)
b) His life is shaped by his thought (proverb 4: 23b)
c)F rom his heart can come out those things that are evil and that deserve Sin (Mat 15:19 & Mark 7:21-22
1. The Goals A First Born achieves are:
a Receiving as his reward the life that God has promised to those who love Him (James 1:12c)
b Having first place among all God’s creatures (James 1:18b)
2. A First Born can carry on the life that God has promised to by:
a Giving a positive response to God’s Calling (Ephesians 4:1c)
b Live a life that measure up to the standard God set when He called him. Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another- Ephesians 4:1b-2
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Senin, 08 Februari 2010
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