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Rabu, 20 September 2017
Minggu, 17 September 2017
Jumat, 26 Mei 2017
Life is like Camera 2
Life is like Camera
The Story of life
A camera is used to capture good
times or experience or special event or object and make them good photographs.
The photographs that have been made can tell a story of a life, somehow, the
life itself has its own story, either true or imagined one.
Story of life is everything that has happened to someone during her/his
lifetimes. And you know, base on that life story, we can know someone's way of
living or things that a person or particular group of people usually do in
life. What things are expected to do by people in their lives? They should be
behaving in a way that is socially correct, morally acceptable and shows
understanding of and care for other people's feelings.
is like Camera, Just focus on what is important, capture the good times
camera is not similar to the life by some means or a camera cannot replace a
Life, yet, why have some people been trying to analogue the life with a
No one knows their reasons to analogue the life with a camera.
However when you learn thoroughly of the usage of a camera and how you run your
life, then you will consent that Life is really like a Camera.
Camera is similar to Life in some ways. Camera is used to capture every
interesting object and printed into a photograph. Camera is used to record the
things that have been happened to you; the things that influence your life; and
by the photograph made using Camera, one can learn about the way you think and
are lots of interesting objects before someone’s eyes; they are all eye-catching
objects but a camera owner knows the most importance one. All objects can
attract someone’s eyes but not all attractive objects the life experienced
become the focus of Camera. Camera will focus on and captures what is important
only in order to make a photograph.
to Camera, there are lots of eye-catching objects attracting life. Life will be
given opportunity to choose such things, situations and/or condition which
offer happiness, comfort or calm; free from worry, or pain for its focus. Not
all things which offer happiness, comfort or calm, and free from worry can
become good focus for life to grow better. Life must have its own focus and
cannot be busy to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies
clearly at hand even it is the bad or painful one. The Life which has got its
focus will strive to build itself by doing what is important only and ignoring
such a thing which is easy come and easy go even it is the most comfort
Continued ………………
Life is like a Camera
is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important, capture the good times,
develop from the negatives, and if things don’t turn out – take another shot.
The above saying is an unknown marvel. It
is very inspiring and contenting good teaching though, nobody knows who uttered
the wonder at the first time.
I am sure whoever reads the above marvel
will be inspired very much. I myself am inspired so I think it is smart enough
to expand the old saying into “Life is
like a camera. Just focus on what is important, capture the good times. If
things lay dimly at a distance – zoom to make them closer. Develop
from the negatives, but if things don’t turn out – take another shot.”
The writing about Life is like a Camera is
conducting into several series
“Life is like a
The first thing we have to do is we try to
know what a Camera is and what the meaning of the Life.
According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary – third edition, A Camera is a device for taking photographs or making films or
television programs.
about the life? In the same dictionary, we can learn that Life is the period
between birth and death; the experience or state of being alive.
Camera an important device?
In this modern era, camera is needed very much. We know that every person has
been equipped with a quality that makes it possible for them to think, feel
emotions and understand things. That quality can give a person ability to
remember information, experiences, things and people. However, human beings are earthly and this
earthly matter makes human beings are not good enough to remember or to be able
to bring back pieces of information about what they have experienced into their
mind. People’s mind is limited so it cannot be able to keep piece of
information about what they have experienced in the past. For example, you
certainly would like to know what you looked like or to
remember what happened to you in your childhood. However, it is impossible to
remember what your face looked like or what you experienced when you were at
about the age of two, three, five, or even six.
a Camera is very useful in the modern era. By the camera one can record things
that happened to him/her or someone during her/his lifetime. A
camera could record some good times of yours like your first birthday, your
baptism day, your engagement day and/or other interesting experiences. The
camera also could put any sadness events in detail like an accident, death and
funeral ceremony of your beloved one.
difference and similarity of Camera and
is a device only, while Life is an experience or state of being alive. Base on
these definitions we learn that Life is actually different from a Camera. You
know what? A Camera is only a device or an abiotic object but Life is the
quality which makes living things (people, animals and plants) different from
objects, substances, and things which are dead.
Life is not a device but it is a
value, it is a quality. When you are sure that you have quality of life, you
will know and create the level of enjoyment, comfort and health in your life.
But if there is no value in your life, then you will confidently think and
believe that you are not as good, not as intelligent, and/or not as attractive,
etc. as other people are.
Kamis, 30 Maret 2017
Ujia Nasional sudah diambang
pintu dan siswa yang siap akan bersuka cita tapi siswa yang tidak siap akan
stress memikirkan bagaimana mengerjakannya.
Ujian Nasional tahun ini
(2017) bisa dikerjakan secara Tulis dan Click.
UJian Click atau berbasis
computer tidak merepotkan dan tidak berbiaya MAHAL. Bahan ujian click tidak perlu
dicetak, tidak perlu dipack dan tidak perlu ditransport dan juga tidak
memerlukan brangkas pengaman. Bahan ujian click akan berjalan tanpa dikawal
lewat dunia maya. Oleh karena itu, ujian click sedikit mengecewakan para
opportunist. Mereka tifak bisa berkolusi untuk mengelembungkan harga cetak dan
Selain itu, ujian
berbasis computer tidak memberi peluang kepada sebagian orang untuk menjadi
pengusaha dadakan. Para pengusaha
dadakan biasanya menyediakan Paket Alat tulis seperti Pensil, Penghapus dan
Penggaris. Harganya tidak mahal sih, tapi keuntungannya berbanding lurus dengan
jumlah siswa di suatu daerah.
Lagi pula ujian jenis ini
tidak merepotkan dalam pengawasan dan pemeriksaan hasil ujian.
Kontra dari ujian
berbasis Komputer, Ujian berbasis Kertas memberi peluang bagi sebagian orang
untuk ikut berpesta dan berbuat jahat.
Soal ujian kertas dapat
mengoda kejahatan untuk dibocorkan demi harga diri dalam kemerostan mutu
pendidikan suatu daerah.
Selain itu, sebagian
orang menyambut ujian berbasis kertas sebagai rejeki. Mereka akan berebut
mrlalui percetakan, penggandaan, transport dan pengawalan serta penyediaan
Paket Alat tulis seperti Pensil, Penghapus dan Penggaris. Harganya tidak mahal
sih, tapi keuntungannya berbanding lurus dengan jumlah siswa di suatu daerah.
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